Mission Statement

Mission Statement: To strengthen relationships across communities through coalition building; to defend human rights, social justice, and environmental justice through grassroots lobbying; and to educate against hate and fear that threaten our communities and democratic governance.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, May 15th Call to Action

Last week, the Texas House passed HB 3859, a "religious freedom" bill that would allow adoption and foster agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ persons seeking to be parents or foster parents. The bill also allows foster families and agencies to force children in their care to conform to the religious beliefs of the foster family or agency, without regard to the child's own religion. For example, under this law a Muslim child in foster care could be forced to attend Christian religious services and prohibited from attending mosque, or a child who has been a victim of rape can be prohibited from seeking emergency contraception.
Texas is already doing a terrible job advocating for children in foster care, and this law makes them just a pawn in the GOP's cultural war. Call your Texas state senator and tell him/her* to say no to this discriminatory bill.
Kel Seliger (512) 463-0131 (Odessa and Midland)
Charles Perry (512) 463-0128 (Lubbock)


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, Call to Action

Tell them to change the nominee, not the rules!
Gorsuch’s extreme record has left him short of the 60 votes traditionally required to close debate and vote on a Supreme Court nominee. Instead of admitting defeat and requesting a more mainstream nominee, McConnell is now threatening to invoke the incredibly unpopular “nuclear option” and change 230 years of Senate precedent to eliminate the filibuster and ram Gorsuch through with fewer than 60 votes.

Many Republicans are very nervous about blowing up the rules over this one vote—and they should be. In the history of our country, every single justice to sit on the Supreme Court has received the approval of a filibuster-proof majority. This is a vital check-and-balance in our democracy, and an important function of the United States Senate. Supreme Court Justices enjoy lifetime terms, and they should not be selected on the temporary whims of one political party or the other. Call your senators and tell them to back away from the nuclear option. The message is simple: if your Supreme Court nominee is so extreme that he can’t get to 60 votes, you don’t change the rules, you change the nominee!

Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday, March 15th Call to Action

Some crazy stuff happening in the Texas Senate right now. SB415 is being "debated," but what's clear is that the bill is not based in medical knowledge or legal precedent. The bill would prohibit D&C abortions, a form of abortion which is sometimes necessary to save the health and life of the mother. Decisions about the best and safest medical procedures should be made by doctors in consultation with their patients. Call your Texas senator today and tell him to vote NO on SB415 and other dangerous anti-abortion bills.

Kel Seliger 512-463-0131
Charles Perry 512-463-0128

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 9, Call to Action

On Monday morning, a group is scheduled to go before the Midland County Commissioners and express their opposition to the WCS high-level nuclear waste "temporary storage" plan. This is an issue we've been on for some time. I've attached a link to the story about it below.

If you live in Midland County, please call our county commissioner's offices today or tomorrow and let them know that you oppose the storage and transportation of high-level nuclear waste in our region.


Scott Ramsey, Commissioner Precinct 1, 432-688-4801
Robin Donnelly, Commissioner Precinct 2, 432-688-4802
Luis Sanchez, Commissioner Precinct 3, 432-688-4803
Randy Prude, Commissioner Precinct 2, 432-685-1980

Precinct Map:

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday, March 7, Call to Action

 Legislation to repeal and replace ACA, now called the ACHA, is in and here are some “highlights”:
  • Tax credits based on income and age that would ultimately provide less government support for low income people of all age groups.
  • States would receive a fixed amount of money for Medicaid costs, leaving millions in jeopardy. 
  • Health services from Planned Parenthood will not be covered by Medicaid. 
  • Repeal of taxes on the wealthy, insurance companies, and drug companies.
Call your Senators and Congress members to aggressively oppose this HUGE step backward:
U.S. Senator John Cornyn (202) 224-2943
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (202) 224-5922
U.S. Representative Mike Conaway (202) 225-3605


Monday, March 6, 2017

Individual and Small Group Actions

Looking to do something right now? Gather a few friends, or a larger group for one of the following actions. Use our Facebook page to get others to join. Share your action via social media and encourage others to do the same.
  1. Start a book club.
  2. Start a coffee and conversation club.
  3. Have a letter/postcard writing party.
  4. Have an editorial writing party.
  5. Gather a small group of friends to go meet you representatives at their offices.
  6. Set up a fundraising drive for a national or local organization.
  7. Comment on Midland Reporter-Telegram or Odessa American articles. (Be positive. Don’t get involved in arguments. Don’t feed the trolls.)
  8. Follow us on Twitter: @suituppb
  9. Write blog posts. We can publish them on our blog or you can create your own blog that we can direct people to.
  10. Start a discussion in the Facebook group about a topic of interest to you.
  11. Register to vote.
  12. Get deputized to register other voters. Bring friends and make a day of it.
  13. Host voter registration drives.
  14. Write letters of support to community organizations that represent those targeted by this administration’s negative policies. Invite your friends to join with you.
  15. Give a public speech.
  16. Write a petition. Put together a team to help collect signatures.
  17. Draw a political cartoon, create a caricature, or compose a slogan. Tweet it. Post it. Share it.
  18. Create an informative leaflet or brochure.
  19. Start a newsletter.
  20. Do an interview with a newspaper or radio program.
  21. Design a wearable symbol.
  22. Organize a public prayer or worship service.
  23. Write and perform a humorous skit or scene. Perform it. Film it. Publish it.
  24. Sing. Dance. Play music.
  25. Host a teach-in.
  26. Organize a boycott.
  27. Organize an austerity campaign. Support participants by suggesting non-consumer leisure activities.
  28. Organize a donation campaign.
  29. Organize a sit-in, stand-in, or pray-in.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Legislation to Watch

  • US: H.R. 482 in the house, and S. 103 in Senate: blocks access to data and blocks funding of data collection related to racial disparities
  • EO on Immigration: Plan advocates detention and deportation based on massively expanded definition of “criminal alien”; Will require House approval of additional funds
  • Texas: Senate Bill 3 (SB3): Creates a school voucher program to shift public monies for funding private school education
  • Texas: Senate Bill 4 (SB4): Cuts funding to municipalities offering sanctuary policies and gives municipal law enforcement power to enforce federal immigration law
  • Texas: Senate Bill 6 (SB6): “Bathroom bill”
  • Texas: House Bill 2702 (HB 2702): The Sandra Bland Act
  • Texas Senate Bill 25 (SB 25): “Wrongful birth” bill; Takes away patient’s rights to sue doctor if doctor fails to inform of
  • Texas House Budget: Includes severe budget cuts to services for individuals with Intellectual  and Developmental Disabilities (IDD); Potential to affect 23,000 people of the Basin who receive services
  • Midland: Proposed 4b Tax for parks improvement; Voting begins April 24th